Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Sir or Madam,
>         I am writing to tell you about a situation that occured last
> month while I was online.I wanted cheap MS office and was sent to
> www.officebestdeal.com .
> I was billed $11.95 for openoffice.org software.While I realize you
> are not responsible for the charge, I thought it may be in your
> interest to know that others are making money off of your product.
>         I had signed up with openoffice.org for free in October of
> this past year.I recall your user agreement states that this was a
> nonprofit service and I could not Sell this information to anyone-
> well this is what that website is doing and I thought you should
> know.Please reply on this matter.
> Sincerley,
> Lee Sitterley

Hi Lee,

I'm a recent convert to OOo, but I can tell you that it's OK for others 
to charge nominal S&H fees for providing OOo to people, subject to 
certain things spelled out in the OOo license agreement.
   A lot of places sell it as you came across.  The only unfortunate 
thing is, they don't bother to tell you it's downloadable for no charge 
from OO.o.  Basically it's OK for them to recoup their costs in 
providing you with a CD and any attendant paperwork.

I'm sure the PTB consider your input though, and thank you for it.  If 
I've said anything incorrect here, rest assured I will quickly be 
corrected, but I don't think I have.


A staunch Open Source Code Supporter 

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