Oliver-Rainer Wittmann - Software Engineer - Sun Microsystems
> Hi Tom,
> Twayne wrote:
>> Oliver-Rainer Wittmann - Software Engineer - Sun Microsystems
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Hi Tom,
>>> Twayne wrote:
>>>> HI All,
>>>> First let me preface this by saying I think OO.o is an outstanding
>>>> accomplishment and a fantastic job well done for the most part.  In
>>>> addition, having once managed R&D software and hardware offices I
>>>> am reasonably aware of the very large problems of developing
>>>> applications. There; hope that's enough sucking up to get you to
>>>> read this<g>: I am at a make or break point with my attempt to use
>>>> OOo 2.3.1 for my
>>>> purposes.  Either I figure out some work-arounds or I'll have to
>>>> relegate OOo back to a "future" date for serious use.  After
>>>> searching many old posts and asking a few questions here and on one
>>>> of the other groups, I feel I have a reasonable head-around for
>>>> using OOo.  However, I am unable to get around some problems that
>>>> prevent me from continuing to use it.
>>>> Example:  I have one file (.doc from Word) that I've imported,
>>>> pasted, and otherwise played with to get it into OOo in a
>>>> manageable form.  It's about 33Meg in size, 60 pages, and contains
>>>> 101 embedded (not linked) JPEG color images ranging in size from
>>>> 1/16 page to 1/4 page , sized prior to insertion into the
>>>> document.  There are only 4 Word styles, no sections, in this
>>>>    particular document. I create the .odt, close the document,
>>>> Reboot just for grins, and then open the .odt again.
>>>>    Nothing I try has succeeded in an import/paste/paste special,
>>>> paste without last para mark,  etc., of the .doc into an OOo .odt
>>>> file in any usable manner.
>>>> The largest problem is image positioning.  Images beyond the first
>>>> about 8 pages are nearly all misaligned, misplaced, and their
>>>> anchors have moved to incorrect pargraphs.  If the images were in a
>>>> table, they are now outside the table and cannot be moved back into
>>>> the table without deleting and re-creating it.  Images will overlap
>>>> each other and even overlap text, but the text either shows on top
>>>> of the image, or the image isn't opaque, I'm not sure which.
>>>> Touching the image wiht the mouse corrects that and text moves away
>>>> from the image as expected, but the image may still be as much as
>>>> an entire page removed from its correct, anchored position.
>>>>    As you can imagien, correcting this image positioning is a real
>>>> problem since they don't misalign in any orderly or sequential
>>>> manner, and the tables that held the images have just been
>>>> completely abandoned. There are also other spacing problems, but
>>>> they could be relegated to
>>>> the annoyance category if it weren't for the image mistreatment.
>>>> Spaces between paragraphs are not consistant and several other
>>>> things happen that means it would require a page by page treatment
>>>> to correct because "replace" operations can not properly function
>>>> on them.  For whatever reason, spacing problems all seem to relate
>>>> to the vertical dimension; there are no horizontal issues except
>>>> with images; I see no pattern to their movement.
>>>> *IS* there any specific way around these problems?  The images
>>>> moving in particular?  If not, I think I'll have to relegate OOo to
>>>> the shelf again and continue using Office for my work for the
>>>> foreseeable future at least.
>>>>    As much as I want to support OOo, I won't be able to since I
>>>> just plain won't have the time to gain the experience and
>>>> background needed to become a useful volunteer who can contribute
>>>> to it. Thanks for reading and if this pisses anyone off, I'm sorry,
>>>> because I don't mean it to do that.  I just have a decision to
>>>> make and must do so soon as possible since I've gotten essentially
>>>> no where with being able to make a full and reliable transition to
>>>> OO.o.
>>> It is very hard to give a general solution to your problems without
>>> knowning the concrete text documents, which causes the trouble.
>>> Can you provide sample text documents demonstrating your problems?
>>> The best would be to provide such text documents is to provide these
>>> text document as attachments to a defect submitted via IssueZilla -
>>> the bug tracking system for OpenOffice.org.
>>> Regards, Oliver.
>> That's a reasonable request IMO and I'll do it. It may take me a
>> couple days but I *will* do it.  I've held off on it simply because
>> I didn't want to issue a bug report if it was really cockpit
>> error<g> at first, then as I got frustrated I just plain forgot
>>    about submitting. One thing I neglected to say before too:  The
>> mal-arrangement is consistant; the same each time.  That should help
>> someone once I get it submitted.
> Please add me ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) to the CC list of these new issues.
> Thx, Oliver.

Will try hard to remember to do so.  Perused the issue submits again; 
think I know how.  Have to find the smallest non-sensitive file  to 
submit with so need to get time to be certain it's representative.


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