Has anyone seen the below post from Vladimir about OOo passwords?
First of all, i want to tell you how i am am satisfied with you software
xD I have a problem: i have some documents that i usually save with
passwords... I've newer try this, but i've tried - save document (with
password) using "File>Save" (not "Save As"). Document was saved but with
(i think) random password... It is not my password that i usually use
(it is WERAT)... Now: is there some way to restore the document? Please
help me if u can... I've tryed "password recovery" software, but it is
shareware & i can't see full password.. Is there a "free" way to figure
it out? Document is VERY VERY important to me  Thanks & best regards,

I'm trying to figure out how that could have happened to him.  How/Why
was it able to save a password without him providing the password to it?
I realize the OS is capable of encryption without providing the password
each time since it's account based, quite often, but how would OOo do
that?  Does it have a similar arrangment I'm not aware of?
  Is three a bug that could prevent the password dialng from appearing?
  I don't see how you could miss it, unless power were interrupted or
something.  I can't close out the window or do anything until I give it
the password in 2.4.1 on XP Pro.

Thanks for assisting with my curiousity,


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