> Good day, Problem(1) I have an MS-Excel spreadsheet with a
> Visual-Basic-Macro. I tried to open it with "OOo-Calc" but doesn't
> work. Is there a way to import this Macro to OOo?
> Problem(2) I use to copy text from different web pages and paste it
> to OOo-Writer, but then I always try to edit this copied text the OOo
> gets inhibited and have to restart it. The only way I have found it
> does not inhibit is...
> a) Copy text from the WEB
> b) Paste it into OOo-Write as HTML without comments
> c) Save the Write document
> d) Close the Write file.
> e) Open the just-saved-and-closed-file
> f) Edit the Write document as desired.
> ... Is there a patch to fix this bug??
> (3) I know this is not OOo directly related, but.... maybe has to do
> with OpenSource... I need to do a Wi-Fi(802-11a/b/g)-Site Survey. I
> know there are in the marketplace softwares like AirMagnet or
> LanPlanner, but, Does somebody knows of... /or.. Is there a similiar
> software-tool to do a Wi-Fi-Site-Survey?? (Open Source Licence-Free
> of course).
> (4) Does someone knows how to send monthly e-newsletters to more than
> 300 recipients without the hasle of been blocked as spammer? I need
> some help on this also because we need to re-design our web page and
> include a monthly e-Newsletter.
> Any feedback is greatly appreciated.


1.  Unless it's your business information below and in your Headers, 
which is OK but still not "best", you ask for spam and identity theft by 
giving so much information on a newsgroup.  In general on any newsgroup 
you should give as little personal information as possible - only what 
is definitely necessary.

2.  I can't answer your points 1 & 2 but I have come comments that 
relate to 3 and are responses for your item 4.

First, a couple of links for your reading pleasure on the subject:

In a nutshell, and this could fit with your plans as I understand them:
1.  NEVER send an ad to anyone who has NOT asked for it.
2.  Use a "confirmed optin" procedure, complete with unique token, for 
every address you send to.  Then you have proof that the person who got 
your ads, either forgot they signed up, or didn't bother to opt out.
   The links above will help a lot with explaining the processes 
involved, which are very simple and expected these days.  Personlly, I 
will not have anything to do with a newsletter or any kind of email that 
does not require an optin to get it.
   Anything I have not opted into is spam and is duly reported as same. 
Some people will just delete it unread but a lot will take the time to 
issue complaints to your ISP and upstreams.
3.  Since you're inthe process of changeing lots of things right now, 
it's a perfect time to clean up your distribution lists.  For EVERY 
person you do not have an opt in confirmation from, ask for one, 
according to the rules given in the links above.  If htey do not respond 
or say no, then you can not send them anything.
3.  The Confirmed Optin route is about the only way to keep yourself 
safe from spam reports and complaints to your ISP.  As a rule you will 
never see the complaints, but your ISP will.  Sometimes an ISP only 
gives a warning the first time but almost any reputable ISP will close 
your accunts for spamming, and that's what you want to avoid.
   I currently run three newsletter distributions, all using confirmed 
optins, and in three years have not yet had a complaint from my ISP.  I 
did get a complaint from one user who say my confirmed otpin policy and 
because of the confirmed optin, I was able to give him a copy of his 
exact request to receive the newsletter.  He said sorry, and promptly 

In addition, many ISP will not allow you to send 300 emails all at once, 
or in a day, or even a week, so check with your ISP before you begin to 
distribute 300 of anything at a time, so that you avoid the hassles of 
tos or aup policy violations.

I'll leave you with one final thought intended to be friendly but which 
probably does not sound friendly:
   Should I receive one of your ads or newsletters or anything else via 
email from you about anything you use to get money or benefits of any 
kind, , I WILL report it to your ISP as a spam.
   I define spam as anything that is unsolicited; unasked for; 
unexpected; irrelevant; from a place I never had any contact with and 
finally that I do not want.  When someone sends me a spam, they have 
stepped on my bandwidth, inbox space, and wasted my time with it.  For 
some people who pay for email by the byte, it even costs them extra 
   If I get a spam from a place I've had dealings of some kind with, 
then as long as they don't show up on any blocklist and there are no 
forgeries in their headers, I will contact the actual sender and advise 
them to remove my name from their list as I will report the next email 
they send as spam.  But that's only after I check to see that I haven't 
already had a subscription of some kind from them; if I have, then I 
either unsubscribe, or go along my way and try to remember it for next 
time.  Spams are generally so easy to detect with just a glance though, 
that I seldom have to bother checking.  If they're blocked for spamming 
anywhere, then they just automatically get reported.  I report each and 
every spam that shows up in my Inbox.  Reports are sent by automatice 
means using scripts and a yay/nay for Send this?.



> Sinceramente, / Sincerely,
> Dante Barboza
> Monterrey-Mexico
> Tel/Fax.-+52-(81)-8387-6400
> Cel/Mobile.+52-1-(81)-1198-5696

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