> On or about 10/13/2008 9:30 AM, Ian Lynch typed the following:
>> On Mon, 2008-10-13 at 22:06 +1000, marty wrote:
>>> Is there a way to open WPS (MS Works) files in OOo?
>> Open them in MS Office and save them as Word or Excel files then when
>> you have converted all your Works files to OOo ditch works and use
>> OOo. OOo is more compatible with MS Office than works is and a lot
>> more powerful. If you want lightweight apps try Google docs because
>> these import/export to MS Office formats and you are then not in a
>> blind alley as with Works.
> But if I buy M$ Office to due the conversion, what's the sense of
> using OO?  I, too, need a way to convert M$ Works 4.5 and up to OO if
> OO is to be of any use to me.

Try saving docs to .rtf format in works; OOo can open them. 

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