> Hi Rebecca
> There is no need in name calling. The idea of a clipboard is great,
> but, I
>> seem to recall that another program has this feature (24 clips), and
>> name. We are all working toward the same goal, and that is to make
>> OO more, and better. I will check in later.
> Are you suggesting that every program you use needs to add a
> clipboard with 24 clips? That should be a feature of the operating
> system, so your feature request should probably go to that other
> company you mentioned!  ;-)

The OS clipboard features is actually a good idea but I think the OP is 
referring to Word's own clipboard that allows one to store data in 
several of its own clipboards and manage them.  Whether that could even 
be done suite-wide I don't know, but the OS designers don't seem 
inclinced to do it.
   Personally, I use WordPad to create lots of little clipboard 
substitutes and i use NoteTab if it's only for text..  Then yuo can 
copy/paste to about any application.


> In a mad co-incidence (I assume), the last message I read before
> yours was also asking for this feature! Here is my response to them:
> Hi Xhacker
> I think OpenOffice should add a Clipboard like MSOffice.When I write
> a very
>> long article,the Clipboard is very convenient.But to my surprise,
>> OOo has no
>> Clipboard.Clipboard is very important!This is why I can not leave
>> MSOffice.
> A clipboard is a function of the operating system, not an application.
> Otherwise every application would have to add the functionality
> separately, and also find a way of co-operating so information can be
> passed from one application to another.
> Microsoft wrote a clipboard for Windows many years ago. Since then,
> they have done nothing to improve it.
> Rather than improve the Windows clipboard so that all applications
> will benefit, they have created a second clipboard that only works
> inside their own office suite. That seems crazy!
> But others have done what Microsoft hasn't, and released utility
> programs that extend the Windows clipboard with additional features,
> including the ability to remember multiple clips. When using Windows,
> I normally use Yankee Clipper III. It has the preview feature I guess
> you might be looking for, and the ability to save some clips
> permanently as boilerplate. Find out more here
> http://www.intelexual.com/products/YC3/
> I really hope I will see Clipboard in OOO.
> Then you'll have to hope that every other program you use adds one as
> well! But then there would be no guarantee that information from one
> application's clipboard would be transferred to another's. This
> scenario would get messy very quickly.
> And don't forget that OpenOffice.org runs on other operating systems
> too. And not all of them have the same clipboard limitations as
> Windows, making your suggestion redundant for some of us.
> I understand your position and frustration, especially since we have
> no way of knowing whether Microsoft will ever improve the Windows
> clipboard. I recommend you explore some of the clipboard extenders
> available. Here is a helpful link to get you started.
> http://www.google.com.au/search?q=freeware+clipboard+extenders
> Adrian

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