Oh, and to be clear, I'm not assigning a new data-provider to the List at
any time.  I'm simply updating the data in the data-provider, then calling
the .refresh() method on it.

Perhaps setting my data-provider to null, then back to the real
data-provider would fix it?  I'm gonna give that a try, just for kicks.


On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 6:40 PM, Laurence MacNeill

> I agree, it *should* take care of the renderer.  But it doesn't.  Only if
> the item scrolls off the screen then back onto the screen later does it show
> the updates.  It simply will not update if the item is on-screen.
> Re-sizing works, only if I can manage to re-size it enough to force the
> item not to appear on the screen anymore.  Actually, it has to go a bit
> farther -- far enough for the item-renderer to be recycled.  It's like the
> data simply is not updated until the item-renderer is recycled.  Perhaps
> there's a way to force the item-renderer to be recycled, then?  I don't
> know...
> L.
>   On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 6:36 PM, Vaibhav Seth <seth.vaibhav...@gmail.com
> > wrote:
>> If I got you right, when the scroll goes off and you give the List a new
>> dataprovider, the updated data does not reflect in the List ?
>> That seems very strange, as when you are giving the new dataprovider it
>> should take care of the renderer.
>> Did you tried resizing the application when the scroll goes off ? Does the
>> resizing brings back the updated data ?
>> On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 6:27 PM, Eric DeCoff <ericdec...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Laurence,
>>> Take a look at my datagrid render itemrender from 4.5
>>> On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 5:36 PM, Laurence MacNeill <
>>> laurence5...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Maybe y'all can help me here...  I've been banging my head against the
>>>> wall for hours on this stupid thing, and I can't seem to figure it out...
>>>> I have a spark Panel which contains a spark List.  The List scrolls
>>>> automatically -- no user interaction required, as this is a simple app
>>>> that's just being used on a large display-screen at a convention center.
>>>> It's displaying a list of upcoming events, and that list needs to be 
>>>> updated
>>>> every so often (you know, if an event has sold out or been cancelled or
>>>> whatever) so I'm updating the data in the List's dataProvider every 3
>>>> minutes.
>>>> As the day goes on, the list gets shorter and shorter -- events that are
>>>> in the past are removed from the dataProvider because the database query
>>>> excludes events that started more than 15 minutes ago.
>>>> When the list is short enough, there is no more scrolling.  There's
>>>> enough room to display all the events without the list automatically
>>>> scrolling.  THAT is when the problem occurrs -- the custom item-renderer
>>>> stops updating, because it's not scrolling off the screen anymore...  Even
>>>> though I'm calling the .refresh() method on the List's data-provider, it's
>>>> not updating the renderers that are already being rendered on the screen.
>>>> So.  How to I make it update those renderers that are already on the
>>>> screen?  I've tried about 20 different suggestions that I found on
>>>> Google (my own custom-written invalidateListDisplay function since a Flex 4
>>>> List doesn't have one, using the List.dataProvider.itemUpdated() thingy,
>>>> setting the List's itemRenderer = null then back to the custom itemRenderer
>>>> again both with and without a validateNow() call in there, using the
>>>> updateRenderer() method, etc., etc..) I've tried them all, and NOTHING has
>>>> worked.
>>>> I've really got to get this figured out soon.  It's for a live show
>>>> that's happening right now.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Laurence MacNeill
>>>> Mableton, Georgia, USA
>>> --
>>> Eric R. DeCoff
>>> Changing the world,
>>> 1 line of code at a time
>> --
>> Thanks,
>> Vaibhav Seth.

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