When do you want to validate and what type of cfform are you using?

When the user hits the submit button.


This is the cfform..


<cfform id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="">


I have another page of this form and the validation works fine.

You want to validate prior to the form submitting or after a submit event?

Most forms work well with a submit validation, but highly recommended with any validation you choose that you then in turn validate yet again on the action page of the form.


On 9/27/06, Chris C. Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Any reason why my CF form validation only work some times? If I change Validateat to On Blur it seems to work. I does work sometimes for some reason so I don't think it's a mapping issue.



<cfinput  name="user_student_id"


                                     id=" user_student_id "


                                     message="Please Enter a Student ID"








Chris C. Cooper

Cooper e.Business Solutions

Atlanta , Georgia


Cooper e.business Solutions – http://www.cooperebusiness.com


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