On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 4:17 PM, Charlie Stell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I can do a netstat and see an established connection being held for every WS
> call - after the request has completed.

It could also be that the remote WS isn't releasing the connection
after it responds.  Alot of AJAX apps do this, as does LCDS/BlazeDS
when using the "Long Polling" option.  HAve you tried specifying a
timeout value in CFHTTP and CFINVOKE?

Also - have you looked to see if there are a buncha hung CF threads
that match each of these  open TPC connections?  A tool such as
SeeFusion or Fusion Reactor can do this for you, and running a stack
trace from either should tell you what those threads are doing if they
are hung in there...

> Its my guess at this point that either using CFHTTP or CFINVOKE in
> cffunction without first var'ing  for their result/return, might be keeping
> CF from releasing that socket?

I doubt it, but who knows.  Plopping a var in there just to see is
easy enough though.  It should be there anyway, from a best practices


Cameron Childress
Sumo Consulting Inc
cell: 678.637.5072
aim: cameroncf

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