So I'm putting together the samples and Power Point presentation for my
Design Patterns talk at tomorrow's ACFUG meeting.  I thought I'd toss out a
(very) high level outline of what I plan to cover.  I know there are plenty
of things out there that I won't have time to cover - so primarily I'm going
to try to make this talk an introduction to the idea of design patterns and
how they fit into CF development.  We will avoid talking about frameworks as
much as possible and focus on simpler patterns.  We will go over a few key
patterns, but will by no means cover them all, not even close.

If you'd like to see something specifically that I don't list, please let me

   - What are Design Patterns? (slides)
   - Difference Between a "Design Pattern" and a: (slides)
   - Best Practice
      - Framework
   - Coding Conventions I Use (code)
   - init()
      - CFC Naming Conventions
      - Patterns I Use (code)
   - Session Facade
      - Singletons
      - DAO's / Gateways
      - Factories
      - Front Controller
   - Articles, resources (slide)


Cameron Childress
Sumo Consulting Inc
cell:  678.637.5072
aim:   cameroncf

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