You can also find meeting information and directions on the website:


On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 5:34 PM, Mary Spencer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Charlie:
> For some reason I cannot llocate the e-mail Chyenne sent me with the
> info...I need directions please to the Users' Group meeting tonight.
> Thanks,
> Mary Spencer
> ________________________________
> To:
> Subject: RE: [ACFUG Discuss] Tonights Meeting Change Update
> Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2008 13:40:08 -0500
> Well, you're too kind, Cheyenne. But thanks. Folks, if you didn't notice, he
> included the descriptions at the bottom of his email. I should clarify, too,
> that the Derby talk is an official Max talk (one of 2 I'm doing), while the
> CF911 talk on the other hand is one of a few talks I'm doing at the
> "Unconference"
> (, which is
> an informal sub-conference that Adobe has arranged and that Ray Camden is
> hosting.
> As for the comment about "entering via the EchoEleven entrance" tonight, if
> you didn't know, it's literally just on the opposite side of the building,
> so as you approach that last building, don't go behind it. Instead, park in
> front of it. As soon as you walk up the half-flight of steps, turn right and
> it's the first door you reach. Hope folks will come out. Even if you don't
> think you'd care about Derby, it's still a very interesting topic given that
> it's a database built into CF (literally). As for the CF911 talk, if you've
> to deal with problems with your CF server, hopefully you'll learn things
> from myself and others to help with such challenges.
> /charlie
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Cheyenne
> Throckmorton
> Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2008 1:13 PM
> To:
> Subject: [ACFUG Discuss] Tonights Meeting Change Update
> Unfortunately, Railo could not make it for our November ACFUG meeting
> tonight.
> Fortunately, the incomparable Charlie Arehart has really stepped up and
> volunteered to speak to us about Derby and ColdFusion-911, two topics he
> will be covering at Adobe Max this year.
> Please RSVP at so we can have an idea of how many to expect.
> Also, we may be utilizing the Echo-Eleven entrance as opposed to the
> FusionLink entrance.
> I know this change is last minute, but I'm still looking forward to it and
> hope to see as many of you there as possible.  We are a fortunate group to
> have a speaker like Charlie Arehart available with these topics.
> If you can't make Max this year, tonight will at least give you slice of
> what it has to offer.
> Cheyenne Throckmorton
> Topics
> Using Apache Derby, the Open Source Database Embedded in ColdFusion 8
> Come get an early look at Charlie Arehart's Max talk, "Using Apache Derby,
> the Open Source Database Embedded in ColdFusion 8". In it, you'll learn
> about the Apache Derby database included in ColdFusion 8. A full-featured
> database with a ten-year heritage, Apache Derby is fully transactional, easy
> to use, and standards based and has the advanced features you'd expect in
> any quality DBMS. Yet it's small, at only 2MB. In this session, you'll find
> out how to use Apache Derby within ColdFusion, as well as about tools that
> work with it and where to learn more.
> CF911: Tools and Techniques for Troubleshooting
> Are you having problem with unresponsive servers or poorly performing
> applications? It doesn't need to be such a hassle. In this talk, veteran CF
> troubleshooter and user group speaker Charlie Arehart will discuss various
> tools and techniques to consider when faced with a troublesome CFML server
> (many apply to CF, Railo, or BD/OpenBD). While some tend to dig into code
> and to focus on improving code performance, or focus on JVM tweaks,
> Charlie's experience helping hundreds of shops over the years is that often
> the problems come down configuration, installation, and administration
> issues. Rather than take random stabs at trying many different "fixes" often
> found on the web, he helps people focus first on gathering the diagnostics
> needed to identify the nature and magnitude (and repeatability) of a
> problem, using tools and techniques (and logs) that come pre-installed or
> can be easily obtained either free or at low cost. When you know where (and
> how) to look at problems, their solution often becomes much more apparent.
> He likes to show how CF doesn't need to be regarded as a black box, and why
> you don't need to rely on the question "is it up?" as a measure of the
> stability of your server.
> About The Speakers
> Charlie Arehart
> A veteran ColdFusion developer since 1997, Charlie Arehart is a longtime
> contributor to the community and a recognized Adobe Community Expert. He's a
> certified Advanced CF Developer and Instructor for CF 4/5/6/7 who served as
> tech editor of the ColdFusion Developers Journal until 2003. Now an
> independent contractor living in Alpharetta GA, Charlie provides high-level
> troubleshooting/tuning assistance and training/mentoring for CF teams
> ( He helps run the Online ColdFusion Meetup
> (, an online CF user group), is a contributor to the CF8
> WACK books by Ben Forta, and is frequently invited to speak to developer
> conferences and user groups worldwide.
> --
> Cheyenne Throckmorton - Atlanta, GA
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