Wolfgang Spraul <wolfg...@sharism.cc> writes:
> The product right now is focused around the idea of use on a stage
> or some kind of large display. In real-time like a music instrument,
> but with the output being visual, not acoustic.
> You can hook it up to the Internet and people can send messages 
> directly to the display via Twitter hashtags you define. You can
> use it at conferences to entertain people in breaks.
> Aside from demoing the product, I will probably use my m1 as digital
> wallpaper/artwork mostly, I think I can come up with some nice and
> relaxing works in an acceptable timeframe...

I wonder about things like this:


    Terrestrial Organisation for the Promotion of Live Artistic Programming

    For a long time computer scientists have been erasing time from
    programming, and we're now putting it back in.

    For a long time computer musicians have been trying to hide the
    computation in their music, and we're celebrating it.

    Live coding is a new direction in electronic music and video: live
    coders expose and rewire the innards of software while it
    generates improvised music and/or visuals. All code manipulation
    is projected for your pleasure. TOPLAP exists to promote it.

There's a list of existing `TOPLAP systems':


One that seems particularly interesting to me is:


From what I understand about the software architecture of Fluxus
and the capabilities of the MM1, `Fluxus on the MM1' is probably
not going to happen any time soon, but.., I don't know.

It's a whole genre of `dynamic visual [etc.] synthesis' performance-art
that seems to at least intersect with the target market of the MM1;
I don't know how big the genre is, though--I really haven't even
spent all *that* much time reading about it..., but maybe there
are some useful ideas that MM1 development/marketing can draw from it--
or, better yet: contacts (i.e.: a new base customers and developers).

I once saw an amazing performance that involved a single musician,
a single cello, and a `loop box' that the musician used to construct
layers of music in real time. I guess `that, to the next level' is
the *basic* idea behind TOPLAP, and what (little) I've seen of MM1
sort-of alludes to the same general idea. Maybe I'm... getting ahead,
but this is where my mind goes when I read descriptions like
`extensible open-source interactive real-time VJ station'.
So, I figured I'd share the thoughts--on the chance that they'll
be more useful outside my head, because I don't think I'm going
to get around to doing anything with them any time soon :\

"Don't be afraid to ask (λf.((λx.xx) (λr.f(rr))))."

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