> Anyone testing these images will be on 1.2 as that thread states.   We
>  have made a special version for the contributors of the bounty.
>  Otherwise folks will have to wait until 1.3.  And BTW: HEAD != 1.3.
>  HEAD == 2.0 which is far far away.

I understand, and have tangled some of the terminology.  My ticket was
about HEAD, but the library breakage seems to have seeped from HEAD to
1.3 (RELENG_1).  As I know the rest of us are, I'm time constrained
and just wish I had a quick way to pull up a running copy of recent
development work and see what neat things have been done lately, as
well as help test/develop/validate them.  To me, following your
'Building pfSense' document is a tedious amount of buildup when I just
want to fiddle with some of the PHP or script some back-end

Then again, I could just be doing it (pulling in 1.3) wrong, or you
guys might well be less concerned with facilitating community
contribution than you are with hunting/squashing bugs yourselves -
reasonable, given your limited resources.  Wishes != horses.


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