At 09:17 AM 9/20/2009 +0100, Kyle MacFarlane wrote:
2009/9/19 P.J. Eby <>
> If they use the package's __path__ attribute, they'll find its contents, whether someone is using pkgutil.extend_path, .pth files, or setuptools. Â They don't have to support setuptools to support namespace packages, just pay attention to the __path__ variable that's part of standard Python.

I was hoping more if anybody knew a recipe to get round my problem but
I had a look inside Django to see how it looks through packages.

The problem is caused by line 58 at this link raising an ImportError:

It doesn't matter what order find_module is called on various paths,
it still relies entirely on the order in sys.path. Calling find_module
on second_app before first_app will still fail if first_app is the
first app on sys.path (which suggests that something has been done
wrong even before line 58 or find_module itself doesn't support

Unfortunately I've never dealt with the imp module before. What would
I need to do? Import the package (which is actually "path" in this
code), get __path__ from it and then do find_module again but with
__path__ instead?

Basically, yeah, only it has to happen inside the "while parts" loop. The downside, of course, is that you'll be importing every application and its management package. It's too bad, really, they could've saved a ton of code and complexity there (as well as being able to support namespace packages, zipfiles, etc.) if they'd just used pkg_resources and entry points. Projects could just declare their commands without needing a management.commands subpackage, or separate modules for each command.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

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