At 01:45 PM 10/13/2009 -0400, Tres Seaver wrote:
Reinout van Rees wrote:
> On 2009-10-08, Ian Bicking <> wrote:
>> So after creating, say, version 0.3.1, I always mark a package as 0.3.2dev.
>> But this is annoying, you might never create a version 0.3.2 (e.g., 0.4
>> might be the next level).  So, it would be better to use something like
>> 0.3.1~dev.  What is considered best practice for this?  Ideally something
>> that works with both Setuptools and the upcoming Distribute version spec.

"0.3.1-anything" will sort after "0.3.1" and before "0.3.2dev", so that's probably what you want. Typically, the "anything" would be a revision number or date tag (e.g r5143 or 20091005), but it could also be a manually-assigned sequential number.

Technically, this is a "post-release" tag, and in the previous proposal for a restricted version format, you would designate it with 0.3.1.postNNNN.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

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