On Sat, Nov 7, 2009 at 3:46 PM, David Lyon <david.l...@preisshare.net> wrote:
>> .. it means that we can take
>> more help from more people (and that includes you of course).
> I really do accept that.
> What's hard for me to understand exactly is what you will actually allow
> me to do.

Gosh. I am not your boss, and I am not telling you what to do. This is
open source,
but this is also a community... You can't just come around and ignore
some parts
of what is being done.

I am just telling you that if you want to help in the static metadata field,
and if your goal is to help *Distutils* improve, you have to work with
what has been started!

>> You have started some kind of "counter-PEP" to push another build
>> system, and I really doubt this is useful in any ways.
> You shouldn't take it personally that another person tried to submit
> a PEP. So many people helped me with my proposal on the mailing
> list - and I owe it to them to at least get their efforts taken
> into consideration as a PEP.
> In any case, if you feel strongly about this then I can revise
> my proposal so that it doesn't look like a proposal for a build
> system (it was for a metadata setup - not a build system).
> The implication there is you don't want me to submit PEPs because
> they somehow counter your work. Well if that's the case I can
> be more careful in the future. There's plenty of things
> that I can write PEPs for now...

Neither Guido, neither Brett neither I are taking this personally. But at some
point, if your goal is to help improving Distutils, you have to work
with what has been

> A metadata install was just the first..
> And to my knowledge, there still isn't a PEP about that. Right?

If you work on a PEP that is related to any PEP started in the same
area, I will strongly oppose against adding your PEP
because it is a non-sense. Take and read the existing PEPs and help us
improving them.

We don't add new PEPs for the heck of it. If it's a credit issue, your
name will be added in any PEP you will provide
a valuable help on.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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