At 08:00 PM 11/30/2009 +0200, cool-RR wrote:
On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 7:57 PM, P.J. Eby <<>> wrote:
At 02:09 PM 11/30/2009 +0000, Ram Rachum wrote:
I've asked before about bundling Distribute. But now I ask, is it possible to
pull out the `pkg_resources` module from the Distribute folder and bundle only
that with my project?

If your project is a standalone application with a completely isolated sys.path, then yes, you can bundle it. If your project is a library or shares sys.path directories with other libraries or applications, then no, *do not bundle it*.

(This is true even for the original pkg_resources, but it's doubly true for Distribute's pkg_resources, as installing it may break a setuptools-based installation's ability to upgrade setuptools.)

What I was thinking is to put it in its own package, and then import it like `from my_package import pkg_resources`.

Would that still be problematic?

Not if your modules are the only ones using any pkg_resources APIs within a given program. But consider what happens if both your package and another package are calling 'require()' -- just to give a really simple example. You will have two working_set objects that don't agree with each other, or with sys.path. (Similar issues may also apply for other pkg_resources data structures and APIs.)

Bundling pkg_resources is really not a good idea for anything but a 100% standalone application or similarly controlled environment, where you know that nothing else will be doing that kind of thing. (Bundling it alongside your to use during installation -- but not actually installing it -- would also be relatively safe.)

If all you're worried about is that a user's version of setuptools might have some sort of bug in pkg_resources, you needn't be. It's the single most stable part of the setuptools code base, both in the senses of "infrequently changing" and "not a lot of bugs". Even if someone's using a version of pkg_resources that's say, 2 or 3 years old, you're not likely to see any bugs more severe than a spurious warning message that something might be being imported from more than one place.

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