At 01:18 AM 12/5/2009 +0100, Andrew Dalke wrote:
It appears that pkg_resources does some caching, including using linecache. I can't tell how well it would work if our pluging packages were updated after the main server was running.

If you need to ensure that you get a fresh list of plugins each time, you can use "for entry_point in pkg_resources.WorkingSet().iter_entry_points(...)". Or more precisely, you can create a new WorkingSet() whenever you want to start over with a clean cache.

(Btw, the only thing pkg_resources uses linecache for is to ensure that the source of a script loaded from an alternate location is viewable in linecache as though it came from the location the script was run from. This is a debugging aid only, and doesn't have any effect on anything that's not trying to dump out source code lines (such as an error reporting tool, or the Python debugger).)

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