At 07:08 PM 1/30/2010 -0500, Barry Warsaw wrote:
On Jan 29, 2010, at 11:03 PM, Tarek Ziadé wrote:

>Yes, that's how Jinja does already for example, using Setuptools's
>pkg_resources :
>__version__ = __import__('pkg_resources').get_distribution('Jinja2').version

And that's different yet again from what PJE suggests.

Not really; just a different way of spelling the same thing. In either case, you're looking at the .version attribute of the Distribution instance.

  This is screaming for
a blessed API to be pushed into the stdlib.

(BTW, why use __import__() there?)

It lets you save an extra line to import pkg_resources; that's really the only difference.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

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