At 06:10 PM 2/5/2010 -0800, Sridhar Ratnakumar wrote:

On 2010-02-05, at 4:57 PM, P.J. Eby wrote:

> At 04:49 PM 2/5/2010 -0800, Sridhar Ratnakumar wrote:
>> Do we have a real-world example for installing uninstallable data files outside sys.prefix?
> Scripts aren't always in sys.prefix,

Scripts *usually* go to sys.prefix/bin (or sys.prefix/Scripts or site.USER_BASE/Scripts). Are their packages that actually put them elsewhere?

It's not the package that determines installation locations, it's the user's command line options and configuration file settings that determine the locations for libraries, scripts, and data files.

> Also make sure you're not forgetting e.g. shared hosting scenarios without a virtualenv, unless you're planning to make virtualenvs an officially-supported thing. In such cases, the paths involved won't necessarily fall into a single root.

PyPM is an ActivePython tool which installs itself into, say, /opt/ActivePython-2.6 - a single root directory. So we never had to worry about other layouts. PyPM supports virtualenvs too, so "pypm -E /tmp/myenv install lxml" would install into the specified virtualenv.

> Also don't forget sys.exec_prefix.  (Isn't packaging fun?)

In ActivePython, sys.exec_prefix == sys.prefix.

Yes, well, as I said, isn't packaging (in the wider Python world, where few such simplifications can be had) fun? ;-)

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