At 09:11 PM 2/16/2010 +0100, Manlio Perillo wrote:
You are right, this is a singleton web application!
So, it will not be installed using pip or easy_install.

I have to decide if it is best to "abuse" setuptools plugin support, in
order to install system services (cron scripts, init.d script) or if it
is better to provide a separate script, as you suggested.

You can also extend the "install" command, and this could be made to work with plain distutils, as well as setuptools. (Subclassing distutils commands is a standard practice, described in the documentation for distutils.) It just means that programs that don't use "install" to do the installation won't work correctly, if at all.

However, if you just want " install" to do things differently, subclassing the install command is the way to go.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

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