At 06:05 PM 2/23/2010 -0500, Tarek Ziadé wrote:
Or do you mean that you consider the exception classes located in
Distutils to be a common need
for people that write scripts ?

A setup script may want to explicitly throw (or catch) distutils errors, and having only one place to import these things from makes distutils easier to use. I don't consider it a *common* need, but I do consider it part of distutils' "core API", in the sense that if your code is either invoking distutils or being invoked by it, you may need to throw or catch those errors.

In general, everything that's a *distutils-defined* symbol (not types, os, etc.) in distutils.core, I thought was intended to be imported from there, as they are all things that could be considered part of the "core API". (And apparently, at least Thomas thought the same thing.)

(If I'd been writing distutils, I'd have named the module distutils.api rather than distutils.core, and explicitly created an __all__ list for it, but it's pretty much the same thing.)

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