On 2014-09-30 07:26:32 -0400 (-0400), Donald Stufft wrote:
> I don’t personally believe it makes sense for a source
> distribution to have a build number.

I'm becoming less and less convinced it actually *is* a source
distribution any more. My constant interaction with downstream Linux
distro packagers shows a growing disinterest in consuming release
"tarballs" of software, that they would generally prefer to pull
releases directly from tags in the project's revision control
systems instead. Couple this with the fact that setup.py sdist can
(and often does) include autogenerated content in its output which
the packagers would rather strip or regenerate themselves, and I'm
of the opinion that the tarballs I create are only for PyPI/pip
consumption any longer. This effectively makes them a
channel-specific packaging format rather than a generally reusable
release source artifact.
Jeremy Stanley
Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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