Except that OpenStack frequently rejects outside use cases as I learned as
an OpenStack developer who tried to improve PBR. Sadly it will never be
seen as a global solution as long as that continues

On Aug 25, 2017 6:32 AM, "Jeremy Stanley" <fu...@yuggoth.org> wrote:

> On 2017-08-25 10:50:11 +0100 (+0100), Paul Moore wrote:
> [...]
> > once PEP 517 is implemented and as flit gains popularity, I fully
> > expect more and more projects to use a static data structure for
> > their metadata (flit.ini, specifically).
> This has also been possible for years already using either PBR or
> distutils2. For example, hundreds of Python packages produced by the
> OpenStack community use a branchless boilerplate setup.py which
> declares a setup_requires on the pbr package, and then everything
> else goes into an INI-formatted setup.cfg file (except for
> install_requires which are drawn from requirements.txt instead).
> --
> Jeremy Stanley
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