On 9 May 2018 at 04:09, Sumana Harihareswara <s...@changeset.nyc> wrote:

> As a new Twine maintainer I've been running into questions like:
> * Now that Warehouse doesn't use "register" anymore, can we deprecate it
> from distutils, setuptools, and twine? Are any other package indexes or
> upload tools using it? https://github.com/pypa/twine/issues/311
> * It would be nice if Twine could depend on a package index providing an
> HTTP 201 response in response to a successful upload, and fail on 200 (a
> response some non-package-index servers will give to an arbitrary POST
> request).
> I do not see specifications to guide me here, e.g., in the official
> guidance on hosting one's own package index https://packaging.python.org/
> guides/hosting-your-own-index/ . PEP 301 was long enough ago that it's
> due an update, and PEP 503 only concerns browsing and download, not upload.
> I suggest that I write a PEP specifying an API for uploading to a Python
> package index. This PEP would partially supersede PEP 301 and would
> document the Warehouse reference implementation. I would write it in
> collaboration with the Warehouse maintainers who will develop the reference
> implementation per pypa/warehouse/issues/284 and maybe add a header
> referring to compliance with this new standard. And I would consult with
> the maintainers of packaging and distribution tools such as zest.releaser,
> flit, poetry, devpi, pypiserver, etc.
> Per Nick Coghlan's formulation, my specific goal here would be close to:
> > Documenting what the current upload API between twine & warehouse
> actually is, similar to the way PEP 503 focused on describing the status
> quo, without making any changes to it. That way, other servers (like devpi)
> and other upload clients have the info they need to help ensure
> interoperability.
> Since Warehouse is trying to redo its various APIs in the next several
> months, I think it might be more useful to document and work with the new
> upload API, but I'm open to feedback on this.

That's effectively what PEP 517 did for the legacy setup.py-centric sdist
format, with just a single paragraph referencing the previous de facto
standard and giving that version a name:

The equivalent here would be to call the existing upload interface the "v1
upload API", and cite the relevant Warehouse endpoint URL as the reference
implementation for it.

While I initially wasn't a fan of that idea, the effectiveness of the
approach in PEP 517 now makes me agree it could work well here, too.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
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