Quoting Bert, up-thread "Our sdists are pretty big as a result."

Some of my projects have very large test suites that would bloat the
sdist, and I've worked on many more with the same issue. I don't think
we can just wave our hands and say "sdists don't end up particularly
big so we can ignore those people". Further more, we can't quite know
how people are using sdists and wheels anywhere other than via PyPI
download statistics (which if I remember correctly, are lossy).

It's also worth noting that there was a different distribution format,
previously, not named an "sdist" that was a specific repository
archive. The problem occurs now that PyPI only allows that or sdist
and that the other format is neither pip-installable nor intended to
be a distribution (versus a version artifact).
On Mon, Sep 10, 2018 at 2:35 PM Thomas Kluyver <tho...@kluyver.me.uk> wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 10, 2018, at 1:06 PM, Ian Stapleton Cordasco wrote:
> It seems silly that we're not also considering the portions of the world with 
> terrible internet when making this decision. Giant sdists make their lives 
> orders of magnitude worse for the benefit of maybe 20-30 people who tend to 
> use the tests.
> We should certainly consider internet speeds across the world in general, but 
> I don't think it's that important to this particular discussion. In most 
> cases, users who just want to install and use a package can get it as a 
> wheel, so what we do with sdists doesn't matter to them. And there aren't 
> many projects where adding tests and docs makes an order of magnitude 
> difference to the archive size.
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