Sorry it's taken me a while to respond in this thread, but I think I'd
like to slightly reframe the question away from `setuptools`
specifically - considering that certain requirements are standardized in
the Core Metadata specification, might it make sense to add those to the
core spec for `pyproject.toml`, so that there's a single standard way
for various tools to look for the install dependencies of a project?

This would involve adding something like a `distribution.requires` and
possibly `distribution.requires-python`, which would map more or less
directly to `Requires-Dist` and `Requires-Python`.

Similarly there is an argument for adding the `Provides-` metadata to
this table.

That said, I can think of some reasons not to do this - for example in
some cases you may want to generate the dependencies in some way as part
of the build script (possibly from another format that is more
convenient), which means that even in the most ideal conditions we
couldn't say, "You should *only* be using the [distribution] table to
specify your dependencies".


On 9/25/18 3:37 PM, Thomas Kluyver wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 25, 2018, at 9:13 AM, Paul Moore wrote:
>> I personally don't see much advantage in the "dump everything in one
>> file" philosophy. so from a personal POV I'd prefer setuptools' config
>> to remain in setup.cfg, but if they have reasons for wanting to move,
>> the PEP allows them that option.
> I've come across quite a few people who want to avoid 'clutter' in the top 
> level of the repository. By the time you've got packaging config, test 
> config, CI config, editor config and so on, I can see where they're coming 
> from. I think all this mass of different files can also be confusing to 
> newcomers. So I try to avoid creating extra files where it's easy to do so.
> But in the case of setuptools, I wouldn't push for it to use pyproject.toml. 
> It will have to continue supporting and setup.cfg forever, so all 
> you could do is add yet another place that metadata might live, making it 
> more complicated to understand.
> Of course, I'm biased, because if setuptools uses pyproject.toml, flit looks 
> kind of redundant. ;-)
> Thomas
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