On Mon, Nov 18, 2019 at 12:24 PM Paul G <p...@ganssle.io> wrote:
> Was anyone on the list involved with the decision to use spaces in the spec? 
> Is there some compelling reason we're missing to make the switch?

distutils was originally conceived and written by Greg Ward at CNRI,
back when Guido led a group there.  Greg was in another group, but
they were active Python users as well.  We (primarily Greg & I) spent
a lot of time discussing distutils and how things should work, but I
don't recall specifically discussing keyword separators.  The whole
keywords thing was pretty geared to our guesses about how an index
would work; actually implementing the first version of PyPI wasn't a
part of Greg's project.

Getting far enough along to build a range of C-based extensions was a
pretty substantial bootstrapping task in the late '90s!

On November 18, 2019 1:07:50 PM UTC, Thomas Kluyver
<tho...@kluyver.me.uk> wrote:
> The comma-separated format allows keywords containing a space - like 'orbital 
> mechanics' in the example I was investigating (poliastro).

This seems reason enough to stick with the current implementation
approach and forget about space separation.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.    <fred at fdrake.net>
"A storm broke loose in my mind."  --Albert Einstein
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