On Fri, Jun 26, 2020 at 12:43 PM David Mathog <dmat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So by what method could code working outside of python possibly determine that
> "yaml" goes with "PyYAML"?

Sorry, I forgot that the information was in

Still, how common is that?  Can anybody offer an estimate about what
fraction of packages use different names like that?


David Mathog

Is this a common situation?
> Is pkg_resources actually a package?  Does it make sense for a common
> package repository to have a single instance of this directory or
> should each installed python based program retain its own version of
> this?
> There are some other files that live in site-packages which are not
> actually packages. The list so far is:
> __pycache__
> #some dynamic libraries, like
> kiwisolver.cpython-36m-x86_64-linux-gnu.so
> #some pth files, but always so far with an explicit version number, like
> sphinxcontrib_applehelp-1.0.2-py3.8-nspkg.pth
> #or associated with a package with a version number like:
> setuptools
> setuptools-46.1.3.dist-info
> setuptools.pth
> #some py files, apparently when that package does not make a corresponding
> #directory like:
> zipp-3.1.0.dist-info
> zipp.py
> #initialization file "site" as
> site.py
> site.pyc
> Any others to look out for?  That is, files which might be installed
> in site-packages but which should not be shared.
> Hopefully this next is an appropriate question for this list, since
> the issue arises from how python loads packages.  Is there any way to
> avoid collisions between python based programs other than activating
> and deactivating their virtualenvs, or redefining PYTHONPATH, before
> each is used?  Programs that have the property that their library
> loading is determinate (usually the case with C, fortran, bash
> scripts, etc.)one can construct a bash script (for instance) which
> runs 3 programs in order like so:
> prog1
> prog2
> prog3  # spawns subprocesses which run prog2 and prog1
> and there are not generally any issues.  (Yes, one can create a mess
> with LD_PRELOAD and the like.)  But if those 3 are python programs
> unless prog1, prog2, prog3 are all built into the same virtualenv,
> which usually means they come from the same software distribution, I
> don't see how to avoid conflicts for the first two cases without
> activating/deactivating each one, which looks like it might be tricky
> in the 3rd case.
> If one has a directory like:
> TOP/bin/prog
> TOP/lib/python3.6/site-packages
> Other than using PYTHONPATH to direct to it with an absolute path, is
> there any way to force prog to only import from that specific
> site-packages?  Let me try that again.  Is there a way to tell prog
> via any environmental variable to look in
> "../lib/python3.6/site-packages" (and nowhere else) for imports, with
> the reference directory being that where prog is installed, not where
> the process PWD might happen to be.  Because if that was possible it
> might allow a sort of "set it and forget it" method like
> export PYTHONRELPATHFROMPROG="../lib/python3.6/site-packages
> prog1  #uses prog1 site-package
> prog2  #uses prog2 site-package
> prog3  #uses prog3 site-package
> #  prog1 subprocess  #uses prog1 site-package
> #  prog2 subprocess  #uses prog2 site-package
> (None of which would be necessary if python programs could import
> specific versions reliably from a common directory containing multiple
> versions of each package.)
> Thanks,
> David Mathog
> On Thu, Jun 25, 2020 at 10:46 AM David Mathog <dmat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > On Thu, Jun 25, 2020 at 12:37 AM Paul Moore <p.f.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > > I think the key message here is that you won't be *re*-inventing the
> > > wheel. This is a wheel that still needs to be invented.
> >
> > It _was_ invented, but it is off round and gives a rough ride.  As
> > noted in the first post this:
> >
> > __requires__ = ['scipy <1.3.0,>=1.2.0', 'anndata <0.6.20', 'loompy
> > <3.0.0,>=2.00', 'h5py <2.10']
> > import pkg_resources
> >
> > was able to load the desired set of package-versions for scanpy, but
> > setting a version number constraint on scanpy itself at the end of
> > that list, one which matched the version that the preceding commands
> > successfully loaded, broke it.  So it is not reliable.
> >
> > And the entire __requires__ kludge is only present because for reasons
> > beyond my pay grade this:
> >
> > import pkg_resources
> > pkg_resources.require("scipy<1.3.0,>=1.2.0;anndata<0.6.20;etc.")
> > import scipy
> > import anndata
> > #etc.
> >
> > cannot work because by default "import pkg_resources" keeps only the
> > most recent version rather than making up a tree (or list or hash or
> > whatever) and waiting to see if there are any version constraints to
> > be applied at the time of actual package import.
> >
> > What I'm doing now is basically duct tape and bailing wire to work
> > around those deeper issues.  In terms of language design, a much
> > better fix would be to modify pkg_resources so that it will always
> > successfully load the required versions from a designated directory
> > which contains multiple versions of packages, and modify the package
> > maintenance tools so that they can maintain such a directory.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > David Mathog
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