[please excuse the slight chop-up-and-reordering of your
original into my quoting]

On 07/11/2010 10:36 AM, Russell Keith-Magee wrote:
{% form myform %}

For what my vote may be worth, I'm -0 on this...

{% form myform field birthdate using calendar %}

and -1 on this

{% form myform field birthdate using calendar important %}
{% form myform field name using autocomplete:"name_autocomplete" %}

and REALLY -1.0e1 on this syntax-soup.  Does this result in
something that looks like the following monstrosity?

{% form myform field name using autocomplete:"name_autocomplete" field birthdate using calendar field other_field using some_other_chrome_or_widget%}

Putting in a subtle plug for one of my wish-list items, I've
always been curious why form-rendering wasn't implemented as
a filter:

  {{ myform|as_ul }}

These layout schemes can be overridden and customized if you
know what you're doing, but it's not easy to do so.

I've occasionally wished for an as_dl (which would render
labels as <dt> and controls as <dd> elements), and having a
base/ancestor as_* filter object to base it off of would
make this a lot easier.  This would take care of your
issue#1 (more easily extensible renderings).

Under such a scheme, I'd imagine your above examples might
look something like

  {{ myform|as_ul }}
  {{ myform|use_widget:"birthdate=calendar"|as_ul }}

where the use_widget (deep?)copies the input form object,
adjusting its field-widgets per the requested use_widget
modifiers.  It could even be neatly stacked something like
(line-broken for clarity)

  {{ myform

For backwards compatibility, the implementations of
Form.as_*() should be able to just look something like

  def as_table(self, ...):
    return filters.as_table(self, ...)

I'd suspect this could take care of your issue#2.

However that leaves me with no good answer to

1) your "parameters to chrome" wish (though that might be
        possibly incorporated in the use_widget parameters).  I'm
        not entirely clear on your chrome ideas, but I like some of
        what I read in your novella. :)

2) your "put all JS at the bottom of the page" wish

3) your issue#3 about DOCTYPES, but unless filters were given
        access to a rendering context in which some global
        DOCTYPE-preference was specified, I haven't liked any of
        the solutions I've seen bandied about on this matter
        (including a settings.py directive, since I can easily
        imagine a single site producing a mix of html4, xhtml
        and/or html5).

However I think all 3 of my outliers are somewhat
orthogonal to the rejiggering of form rendering.

- Propagating the 'doctype' kwarg through the existing
form/field/widget infrastructure

I'm +1 on this (or something like it such as request-context
or some other bag-of-attributes that could be useful in
rendering a widget) so that widgets can tweak their
display behavior.

Just my late-afternoon rambling thoughts...


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