I too would very much like a request aware template loader.  For my
project the threadlocals approach was the only way I could find to
meet my requirements of a site-based template structure (project has
multitenancy) and user selectable template 'themes'.

I've tried looking at the django source to come up with a non-
threadlocals implementation, but came to the conclusion that it wasn't
easily possible without some kind of global due to the way the
templates are compiled.

Some tags you could potentially add 'hidden' values like __theme__ in
the context using RequestContext and then have the tags pass those on
to get_template(). Assuming tags played nicely and always passed along
those values to their nodelists contexts.

Other tags like {% include "app/sometemplate.html"%} get the template
at compile time of the parent template.  The compiled template might
be cached, or otherwise re-used - so that approach isn't reliable.

I hope there is a solution I overlooked.

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