Update for the proof of concept CI tests from my side – thank you Tom for 
the feedback. Here are the latest additions to the test suite & reports, 
still living at https://thibaudcolas.github.io/django_admin_tests/,

- Added as much as I know about in the admin, and now also outside of it a 
bit (startproject welcome page, error pages)
- Separated the issues between Axe and HTML_CS so the numbers are easier to 
- Added anchor links everywhere for easier navigation
- I’ve also started a draft list of "things to (potentially) audit", over 

I think the next two big steps are what you mention:

- Having a way to track the number of issues over time. Currently the 
report overwrites itself every week (well, every build). If you have a 
suggestion on ways to demo this that would be useful please let me know. 
Currently I’m thinking sparklines for each test case could be nice as a 
proof of concept, and a sparkline for the total number of issues. Or see 
whether I should get out of my comfort zone a bit and find a 
dashboard/graphing tool to send the metrics to and graph there.
- Testing more features of modeladmin. I don’t use it too frequently myself 
so don’t really know what’s “easy” to enable – if you know of an existing 
test suite I could repurpose, or of an example of using a lot of 
functionality – I’d be keen to invest time to add it to my test site.

Alternatively something else I could do is to file a ticket for 
accessibility issues with the welcome page – I’ve tested it with screen 
readers, there are a few issues, but nothing that should be too hard to 
fix, and it might be a good demo of what reporting accessibility issues in 
general could look like?



On Tuesday, 30 June 2020 at 18:59:53 UTC+1 Tobias Bengfort wrote:

> Nice writeup! I found it easy to read (I did not catch myself skipping
> paragraphs which is always a good sign). Contentwise, I would have no
> issue if this was accepted as is. Maybe I am forgetting about some
> important details though.
> I had just some ideas that might be good additions:
> - mention ATAG somewhere
> - It would be nice to have a real commitment to accessibility. Something
> along the lines of "accessibility bugs must be treated with the same
> priority as any other bugs".
> - The step from "leaving accessibility in the hands of
> individual contributors" to "you have to commit for 9 months" is a tad
> big. I keep wondering if we can do something to improve the options in
> between those. One idea would be to formalize an "a11y" keyword so
> interested contributors can easily find related tickets.
> tobias

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