
Thx for the update on the db support roadmap, helps alot to get things into perspective.

@expression support
After a few more tests it turns out, that expression support prolly can be saved exactly as it is by a combination of the current CASE chaining with the VALUES table. At least sqlite and postgres support the following format (mysql variants not tested yet):

UPDATE table SET f1 = CASE pk=1 THEN f2 ELSE foo.column2 END FROM (VALUES (1, NULL), (2, 'Hello')) AS foo where table.pk = foo.column1;

This would be the result from something like
  Model(pk=1, f1=F('f2')),
  Model(pk=..., f1=<literal value>),
  ...], ['f1'])

This again introduces the bad runtime of the CASE chains into the statement, but only for objects using expression fields, so the user has limited control over the runtime needs (dont use expressions if you want very fast value pumping...)

Advantage of this - it should do exactly the same updates as the bulk_update implementation (no weird ordering side effects), thus it gets alot easier to prove, that the fast and fallback code path exhibit the same update behavior.


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