I have had some complex pages for managers on my site that always had
problems. Now I'm trying to replace them with admin forms. I have
discovered that you can sort based on "follow" notation, and this can
include aggregates. I thought I'd post this undocumented feature: is
it a "real" feature -- should it be documented? Or is it a side-effect
of the current implementation? Note that it doesn't seem to work for
"computed fields" -- tacked onto the query set using extra()... I
wonder if this is a bug?

To clarify what I'm talking about by example: suppose I have the
following models:

from django.contrib.auth.models import User

class Profile( User ):


class Account( models.Model ):

  profile = models.OneToOneField( Profile )

class Order( models.Model ):

  needs_confirm = models.BooleanField( default = True )
  sub_total = models.DecimalField( )
  tax = models.DecimalField()

Now, to make the admin list of profiles sortable by whether needs
confirm, the following works:

class AdminProfileManager( models.Manager ):
    def get_query_set( self ):
        q = super( AdminProfileManager, self ).get_query_set()
        q = q.annotate(
            needs_confirmation =
BoolOr( 'account__orders__needs_confirm' ) )
        return q

class AdminProfile( Profile ):
    objects = AdminProfileManager()

    class Meta:
        proxy = True

    def confirmed( self ):
        return not self.needs_confirmation
    confirm.admin_order_field = '-needs_confirmation'
    confirm.boolean = True

class ProfileAdmin( admin.ModelAdmin ):
    list_display = (
        'first_name', 'last_name', 'email', 'is_active',
        'confirmed' )

Now it will sort by whether we need confirmation (btw, the aggregate
BoolOr is defined following the
recipe in 
However, I can't get it to accept sorting by an field added to the
queryset with extra(), eg. (in AdminProfileManager.queryset )

      q = q.annotate( subtotal = Sum( 'account__orders__sub_total' )
      q = q.annotate( tax = Sum( 'account__orders__tax' ) )
      q = q.extra( select = dict( revenue = 'subtotal + tax' ) )

If I refer to "revenue" in an "admin_order_field" attribute... even if
I replace the complex expression with a dummy select that merely
renames some existing field. Is there some other way to do this? Is
this a good candidate for enhancement (should I move over to
"developers" or open a ticket?)?


-- Shaunc

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