On Monday, January 31, 2011 3:06:29 PM UTC, Ivan Uemlianin wrote:
> Dear Tom 
> Thanks for your comment. 
> My use case is a "presence"-type system.  When a user logs out their 
> status change is sent out to all other logged-in users (using comet). 
> If they just close the browser this doesn't happen.  I'm mulling over 
> two possible solutions: 
> (a) some bit of javascript that will logout the user if they close the 
> browser or navigate away from the site (but I don't know if you can do 
> the former with js; and the latter to work properly if they have other 
> tabs still on the site).  It requires javascript, but it's a fairly 
> javascript-heavy site anyway. 
> (b) something using SESSION_COOKIE_AGE.  Set it to a few minutes and 
> have something running that will logout any users with expired 
> sessions (and delete the session too).  Unfortunately the javascript 
> GET requests for the comet don't go through django, so they won't keep 
> the session alive.  Setting SESSION_COOKIE_AGE too low will risk 
> logging out against users' wishes, but setting it to much more than a 
> few minutes will render this solution useless.  This solution doesn't 
> feel right at all. 
> If (a) is possible I think I'll go with that. 
> Best 
> Ivan 

You can't stop the user from closing the browser, or switching to another 
tab, with JS. And you shouldn't try to stop them navigating away - this sort 
of thing is only likely to annoy them intensely.

Instead, the best alternative that I've seen proposed is some sort of 
regular 'ping' - as long as the user has the page open, some Javascript 
contacts your server every minute or so, to let it know they're still there. 
Then you know that your 'active' users are those who have pinged in the last 

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