Steven Armstrong wrote:
> I've had similar problems and solved them like this:
> myproject/
> %<------------------------------
> from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
> from django.core.validators import *
> import re
> my_ansi_date_re = re.compile('put regexp here')
> def isValidANSIDate(field_data, all_data):
>      if not
>          raise ValidationError, _('Enter a valid date in PUT FORMAT
> [more custom or overridden validators]
> %<------------------------------
> And in my models I do:
> from myproject import validators
> instead of
> from django.core import validators
> Like this I can override any of djangos validators or add custom ones
> and they are all still available in one namespace.
> hope this helps
> cheers
> Steven

Hi Steven,

I tried your suggestion, but it still seems that Django is using the
isValidANSIDate funcion from django.core.validators rather than mine. I
put trace statements in as well as my
override and although I could see mine being imported after the core
ones, when the form's validation occurs, its using the core one. I
googled on "override module function in python" and got this hit:

I've used the suggested technique in the following way and now it

    ---- my custom ----
    from pf.utils.convert import toDateRelaxed

    def isValidANSIDate(field_data, all_data):
        except ValueError:
            raise ValidationError, "Invalid date"

    import django.core.validators
    django.core.validators.isValidANSIDate = isValidANSIDate

And then I import my validators in my class. The downside to
this, as explained in the link, is that if someone uses

    from django.core.validators import isValidANSIDate

they will get the original, not my custom version.

Thanks for your suggestion as it got me on the right track.

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