On 08/03/2011 10:46 PM, Joshua Russo wrote:
Really? Nothing? Do you need more information? From the lack of response I feel like I'm completely off the mark and nobody wants to tell me. --

1: https://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/UsingTheMailingList

If you're not getting help then it's almost certainly because you haven't made it easy for the all-volunteer army to help you.

You posted code that shows a subclass of an unknown form, you have invalid code (it looks like self["multiLineInfo"] should be self.fields["multiLineInfo"]), and a template but no view to explain the context the template is processing.

What you should have done instead of pasting incomplete code is make the simplest working (or non-working, as the case may be) example that demonstrates your issue.

On top of that, replying with "Really? Nothing?" is a great way to get ignored. Nobody wants to help someone with that attitude.

So, to recap:
Read this, then re-post: https://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/UsingTheMailingList


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