
Marc Patermann schrieb (15.03.2012 16:39 Uhr):

And a template:

{{ text }}

Which gives a dictionary with values of lists where most of the list have only one value. I can access single of them by {{ text.mail }} or {{ text.mail }}.

My goal is to show whatever attribute there is with its values.
Can you point me in the right directions to achieve this?
I found some hints at http://groups.google.com/group/django-users/browse_thread/thread/6f1b957dc5341fbe/4e297f2c9d960fee

Now I have

{% for key in text.items %}
  <p>Attribut Nr. {{ forloop.counter }} {{ key.0 }} hat
  {% for value in  key.1 %}
    Wert <i>{{ value }} </i>
  {% endfor %}</p>
{% endfor %}

in my template, which is fine for now.


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