I have the following:

               <div class="StackRow_Edit_Right">
                    <input type="radio" id="StackRow1Input"
name="EnableLogUpload" value="true"  {% if EnableLogUpload == '1' %}
checked="checked" {% endif %} />Enabled<br />
                    <input type="radio" id="StackRow1Input"
name="EnableLogUpload" value="false" {% if EnableLogUpload == '0' %}
checked="checked" {% endif %}  />Disabled

Then the following if statement:
<div id="EnableLogUpload" class="StackRow_Middle">{% if
EnableLogUpload == '1' %} Enabled  {% else %} Disabled {% endif %} </

The above code works as expected (If EnableLogUpload equals to true
then 'Enabled' is displayed else 'Disabled' is displayed.

But I want to change the 'value' of the radio buttons to "Enabled" and
"Disabled" instead of "true" and "false" like so:
   <div class="StackRow_Edit_Right">
                    <input type="radio" id="StackRow1Input"
name="EnableLogUpload" value="Enabled"  {% if EnableLogUpload == '1'
%} checked="checked" {% endif %} />Enabled<br />
                    <input type="radio" id="StackRow1Input"
name="EnableLogUpload" value="Disabled" {% if EnableLogUpload == '0'
%} checked="checked" {% endif %}  />Disabled

But I can't get the  django if statement to work:
<div id="EnableLogUpload" class="StackRow_Middle">{% if
EnableLogUpload == "Enabled"  %} Enabled  {% else %} Disabled {% endif
%} </div>

This always prints out 'Disabled' even when the EnableLogUpload is

Am I doing something incorrect??

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