Just a quick example of a field that can have two completely different
error types but both throw a ValidationError while running full_clean().

Let's say my Model includes an email address. The email address must be
unique. It could either fail because 1. It's not Unique (or) 2. It's an
invalid email address.

What I really want to do is determine the exception/error-type so that I
can handle it appropriately.

On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 7:09 PM, Kurtis <kurtis.mull...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey Guys,
> Do you have any suggestions on a good way to grab error types during Model
> Validation? I'm not using Forms or HTML. First, here's a simplified snippet
> showing my current format for Model Data Validation.
> my_object = MyModel(**data_dict)
> try:
>     my_object.full_clean()
>     my_object.save()
>     return SuccessJSONResponse()
> except ValidationError, e:
>     print e.message_dict # Testing
>     # ... build some custom JSON data from the error
>     return ErrorJSONResponse(json_data)
> This works fine for properly validating the data and being able to print
> out errors. It also allows me to easily see which fields threw errors.
> Unfortunately, it doesn't provide me with the types of errors in a
> "programmatic" fashion as far as I can tell. For example, a field can fail
> because it's a duplicate entry or it can fail because it didn't meet the
> criteria of the field-type (e.g. max_length).
> What I'm hoping for is there's a way I can still easily validate my data
> using my Model but get more specific information about the types of errors.
> If it's an IntegrityError then I need to build a custom response indicating
> which field had failed along with an "internal" (to the project) error code
> and a description. If it's some other specific error (for example, maybe an
> email address isn't a "valid" email address) then I'd like to identify the
> error type, field name, and display that error accordingly. Hopefully that
> makes sense :)
> I'm not sure if I'm just over-looking something or trying to do things the
> hard way but I'm up for suggestions. Keep in mind that Forms + HTML are out
> of the question since this is an API-only application.
> Thanks!
> - Kurtis
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