deals_formset_factory = modelformset_factory(Deal, form=DealCForm, extra=1, 
can_delete=True, max_num=5)   
deals_formset = deals_formset_factory(queryset=query)

Is there a way to say the one extra form shall always be the first form no 
matter how many more instance forms are within the deals_formset?

I found this bit in the 

Iterating over the formset will render the forms in the order they were 
created. You can change this order by providing an alternate implementation 
for the __iter__() method.

Formsets can also be indexed into, which returns the corresponding form. If 
you override __iter__, you will need to also override __getitem__ to have 
matching behavior.

As I am still a bit new to python/django, I don't know where to begin. Is 
there any short example how __iter__() and __getitem() override have to 
look like? 

many Thanks

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