I have two problems 

1. How can i populate the account 
   information of each user, this 
   what i have done but only info on
   user models populates, the info on extended 
   field does not show on my template

    # models.py
   class Student(Models.model):
          user = foreignkey(user)
          sex= models.charfied()

     class Teacher(Models.model):
          user = foreignkey(user)
          sex= models.charfied()
          salary models.charfield()

   # views.py
def account(request, template_name="account.html"):
    if not request.user.is_authenticated():
        return HttpResponseRedirect('/login/')
    regis = property(lambda u: Candidate.objects.get(User=u)[0])
    context = {'regis': regis}
    return render_to_response('account.html', context, 
{% extends "base.html" %}

{% block wrapper %}
<h3> welcome  {{ user.username }}</h3>
<p>Email: {{ user.email }}</p>
<p>Name: {{ regis.u.first_name }}</p>
<p>Sex: {{ regis.sex }}</p>
<p>surname: {{ regis.last_name }}</p>
<p>Date of birth: {{ regis.dob }}</p>
<p>Marital status: {{ regis.marital_status }}</p>
<p>passport: {{ regis.passport }}</p>
<img src="{{ regis.passport.url }}" />

{% endblock %}

{{user.username}}, {{ user.email }} shows but
the rest does not show 

2. i Have the profile form to enable user
    edit their account anytime they want,
    but i can't figure the code around it
any solution to this problem

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