>From the server; I am getting the page I need but the block where the data
from the view in question is supposed to be comes out empty.

>From the django.test.client's Client() response.status.code is 200.

I am indeed geting the ALLOWED_HOSTS warning, which I don't fully
understand and don't know hoe to fix. I do have ALLOWED_HOSTS =
('localhost', '.local') and DEBUG = True as I read in Rod's excellent
tutorial <http://rodmtech.net/docs/mezzanine/a-mezzanine-tutorial-take-2/>,
but that did not help.

Now, I dod not see that or any warning whatsoever as I start the shell, its
only when I start the server that it shows. I have gotten 500 errors though.

I reported not seeing anything cause well; I did not know exactly what to
expect from the test tool, which I now understand a bit more. In the mean
time; I'm still not getting any data from my view and I still don't know
how to test it in the shell.

Call my whatever you want, but I've been working on this issue for almost 3
days now: reading the docs, googling, reading the forums, asking, googling,
asking, reading more articles and I still don't know where I'm standing.

I still don' know if my issue has to do with a bad written view or a bad
located view, or a bad template, or something else.

SInce I understand more about databases than I do python or django or
mezzanine or web app programming for that matter; I'd like to start by
checking whether or not y view is returning what it is meant to and then
move to other possibilities.

BTW yes, I am 120% positive there is data in my db that meets the criteria
I'm trying to put in my view: I only have 7 records and 3 of them do meet
the criteria.

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