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El 04/11/13 19:33, Aamu Padi escribió:
> This is my models.py:
> class Image(models.Model): user = models.ForeignKey(User) caption =
> models.CharField(max_length=300) image =
> models.ImageField(upload_to=get_upload_file_name) pub_date =
> models.DateTimeField(default=datetime.now)
> class Meta: ordering = ['-pub_date'] verbose_name_plural =
> ('Images')
> def __unicode__(self): return "%s - %s" % (self.caption,
> self.user.username)
> class ProfilePic(Image): pass
> class BackgroundPic(Image): pass
> class Album(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=150)
> def __unicode__(self): return self.name
> class Photo(Image): album = models.ForeignKey(Album, default=3)
> And this is another:
> class UserProfile(models.Model): user = models.OneToOneField(User) 
> permanent_address = models.TextField() temporary_address =
> models.TextField() profile_pic = models.ForeignKey(ProfilePic) 
> background_pic = models.ForeignKey(BackgroundPic)
> def __unicode__(self): return self.user.username
> I can access the Parent class with its User object.
>>>> m = User.objects.get(username='mika') m.image_set.all() 
>>>> [<Image: mika_photo - mika>, <Image: mika_pro - mika>,
>>>> <Image:
> mika_bf - mika>]
> But I can't access its child class with the User. I tried:
>>>> m.Image.profilepic_set.all()
> and
>>>> m.image_set.profilpic.all()
> and this
>>>> m.profilepic_set.all()
> AttributeError:'User' object has no attribute 'profilepic_set'
> But all gave me errors!  How do I access the child classes, so that
> I can add images from one class to another. Like copy one image
> from Photo to ProfilePic, or from ProfilePic to BackgroundPic and
> so. Or simply, how to add images for particular User in specific
> classes?

I don't think Django supports that kind of queries. You can try
django-polymorphic for something very close to what you want:

My recommendation, though, would be to not use inheritance that way
and simply add an "image_type" field to your Image model and filter
that instead:

     class Image(models.Model):
         user = models.ForeignKey(User)
         caption = models.CharField(max_length=300)
         image = models.ImageField(upload_to=get_upload_file_name)
         pub_date = models.DateTimeField(default=datetime.now)
         image_type = models.CharField(
             max_length=20, choices=(('background', 'Background'),
                                     ('profile', 'Profile')))

and do:

Another possibility would be to make Image an abstract model. Your
references to profilepic_set and backgroundpic_set will work, but you
won't be able to use the Image model to store data in the database.

- -- 
Gonzalo Delgado
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