On 09/18/2014 10:50 PM, James Bennett wrote:
> Are you using any third-party libraries which were installed as eggs?

It looks like I have several...

Third-party extensions:
        django-extensions 1.3.3
        django-solo       1.0.5

Non-extensions, but dependencies of extensions:
        sqlparse    0.1.11 (django-debug-toolbar dependency)
        user_agents 0.2.0 (local extension dependency)
        ua_parser   0.3.5 (local extension dependency)

Non-extensions, but imported:
        pyscopg2  2.5.2
        pytidylib 0.2.3
        twython   3.1.2

I am basing this on the fact that these all have [module-name].egg-info
in my /dist-packages/ dir. I have a couple others that have no .egg-info.

\¯\      /¯/\
 \ \/¯¯\/ / / Christopher Welborn (cj)
  \__/\__/ /  cjwelborn at live·com
   \__/\__/   http://welbornprod.com

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