I see that you've already found Satchmo.  I can comment on some of the
features you're looking for.  Feel free to subscribe to the google group
for more discussion.

> * Item. Representation of actual goods. Belong to one of the
>   Categories. Category defines attributes, which may have values.
>   As well inherit attributes from all parent categories.

We do have items and we have attributes you can assign to an item.  For
example, you can have a shirt with colors and sizes.  you can select any
valid combination and even change price based on the options.  We do not
have the categories define attributes and inheritance based on category
membership.  It's an interesting idea, I'd have to thing about that.

> * Category. Hierarchy tree consist of Category entities. Each of
>   categories can have arbitrary set of Attributes.

We do have a hierarchy of categories, we don't use this to drive attributes.

> * Attribute. Simple attribute of a Category. Defines name and type
>   (text,  int, bool, etc.). Possibly, can be shared between categories.
> * AttributeValue. Concrete value of Attribute. Each belong to
>   individual item.
This is defined at the item level.

You bring up an interesting model.  I'd have to think about this some more
to figure out how practical it would be.  The truth is, most stores don't
have quite as diverse a selection as you're outlining. I do agree that we
need some sort of tagging or other way to assign attributes and filter. 
I'm not sure how best to accomplish it though.  Your thoughts would be

Take a look at our code and see how well it might meet your needs.


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