*Previously posted in 

I have a Django View that uses a query parameter to so some content 
filtering. Something like this:


I have noticed that Django converts the + to a space (
request.GET.get('filter') returns one and two), and I´m OK with that. I 
just need to adjust the split() function I use in the View accordingly.


When I try to test this View, and I call:

from django.test import Client
client = Client()
client.get('/page/', {'filter': 'one+and+two'})

request.GET.get('filter') returns one+and+two: with plus signs and no 
spaces. Why is this?

I would like to think that Client().get() mimics the browser behaviour, so 
what I would like to understand is why calling client.get('/page/', 
{'filter': 'one+two+three'}) is not like browsing to 
/page/?filter=one+and+two. For testing purposes it should be the same in my 
opinion, and in both cases the view should receive a consistent value for 
filter: be it with + or with spaces. What I don´t get is why there are two 
different behaviours.

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