My app is getting killed by adding m2m relationships.  I can bulk create 
the objects but for the m2m I have to iterate over them which is super 
slow.  I'm looking for a way to bulk add the m2m relationships.   

Here is a example:
 class Sensor(models.Model):
    Name     = models.CharField( max_length=200 )
    Value    = models.FloatField()

class DataPoint(BaseModel):
    Taken_datetime = models.DateTimeField( blank=True, null=True ) 
    Sensors        = models.ManyToManyField( SensorVal, blank=True, 
null=True )    

for row in rows:
    dp = DataPoint.objects.get(Taken_datetime=row['date']) 

    sensorToAdd = []
    for sensor in sensors:
        s = Sensor.objects.get(, Value=sensor.value  )
        sensorToAdd.append( s )

    dp.Sensors.add( sensorToAdd )

In the actually app I bulk create all the DataPoint and Sensor instances.  
The problem is that |dp.Sensors.add( sensorToAdd )| does a lot of hits on 
the db.  I want a way bulk add all the sensors.  

Can I bulk add the m2m relationships in Django?  If not, can this be done 
in SQL and can you give me some pointers about where to get started?  I'm 
still a  

I'm a beginner with SQL but it seems like there should be a way to group 
all these calls together instead of creating one at a time.  

I'm using sqlite for development and postgres on the server.  

Here is the stack overflow I posted a few days ago:

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