I have a model that has a foreign key relation to a number of other objects.
When saving an instance of this model from the admin (or a ModelForm), I 
see plenty of extra and redundant database calls. 
For a single record it wouldn't make much of a difference, but when using 
the same ModeForm to do some batch upload these become the bottleneck in 
the process.

Has anyone bumped into the same performance bottleneck? 
Has anyone developed some solution for this?

By logging all database queries and some digging in the code, here's my 
analysis of what is happening:

   1. Open the admin editing screen for a single record.  
   I leave all fields to the original value, except for a field (not one of 
   the foreign key fields)
   2. When saving the record, the first query reads the existing record:
         select field1, field2, field3, .... from mytable;
   3. During the form/model validation, I get an extra database query for 
   each of the foreign key fields.
   It is generated from the to_python method 
   of django.forms.models.ModelChoiceField:
         select field_a, field_b, field_c, field, ... from related_table 
   where pk = 'id_from_first_query';
   4. During the form/model validation, I get another database query for 
   each of the foreign key fields.
   It verifies that the values actually exists in the database:
        select (1) from related_table where pk = 'value from form';     

The queries in step 3 and 4 are redundant if the field hasn't changed. The 
first query gives enough data to allow us to verify that the new form value 
and the foreign key field on the existing instance are equal. I am using 
django 1.11.

The same queries, except 2, are executed when I create a new record. The 
queries in step 4 are redundant then - we just retrieved the values from 
the database.

Looking forward to any insights and hints...


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