
I need to use a model form to create a new instance of Recette, using multiple choices list instead of the foreign_key

/class Recette(models.Model)://
//  ......//
//    categoriederecette = models.ForeignKey(Categorie, on_delete=models.CASCADE) //

/class Categorie(models.Model)://
//    SOUPE = 'SP'//
//    DESSERTS ='DS'//
//    PLATUNIQUE ='PU'//
//    LISTE_CHOIX =  ((SOUPE,'Soupe'), (DESSERTS,'Desserts'), (PLATUNIQUE,'Plat unique'),)//
//   .....//
//    categorierecette = models.CharField(db_column='Categorierecette', max_length=15, choices=LISTE_CHOIX, blank=True, null=True)  # Field name made lowercase..../

I use a Modelform/:

/class RecettesForm(forms.ModelForm)://
//    categoriederecette = forms.ChoiceField(choices = Categorie.LISTE_CHOIX)//
//    class Meta://
//        model = Recette//
//        fields = (......//,'categoriederecette')/


The form is displayed correctly,  but cannot be saved. In the test /if form.is_valid():/  I get a value error -

/ValueError: Cannot assign "'SP'": "Recette.categoriederecette" must be a "Categorie" instance./

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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